Spotted Hyena

Spotted Hyena

Probably originating in India, the Spotted Hyena is a species of common African hyenas that are now widely spread across its range.

Scientific Name Crocutacrocuta

Classification – Crocuta

Gender Names – Male – male; Female – female; Baby – cub

Collective Noun – Clan, cackle

Length/Size – 63.5-89cm (28-35in)

Weight – 41-86kg (90-190lbs)

Top Speed – 60km/h (37mph)

Life Expectancy – 20-25 years; recorded 41 years and 1 month in captivity

Mating Season  Non-seasonal breeder

Gestation Period – 110 days

Special Features  Females do not have external vagina but clitoris modified to look like penis and scrotums; the call sounds like human laugh

Social Structure – Live in large matriarchal communities of up to 80 members; female hyenas dominate the males, with even females in the lowest ranks dominate the males belonging to the highest ranks

Geographical Distribution – Native to many countries in the Sub-Saharan regions of the continent of Africa

Natural Habitat – Variety of habitats including semi-desert, savanna and open woodland, dense dry woodland, and montane habitats

World Population – 27,000 and 47,000 individuals

Conservation Status – Least Concern

Diet – Wildebeest, Monkey, Birds

Predators – Lion, Leopard, Crocodile