Western Spadefoot Toad

Western Spadefoot Toad

Scientific Name – Spea hammondii

Classification – Scaphiopodidae

Baby Name – Tadpole

Collective Noun – Knot, lump, nest, or knob

Average Length – 3.8 to 7.5 cm (1.5 to 3.0 in)

Life Expectancy – Around 12 years

Breeding Season – January to March

Incubation Period – 3 to 4 days

Metamorphosis Period – 12 to 13 days

Special Features – Skin is relatively smooth with pale gold eyes; each back foot has a wedge-shaped black spade; color ranges from green or gray upper surface often with orange tipped skin tubercles; whitish underside

Family Unit – Mainly solitary except during the breeding season

Geographical Distribution – North America

World Population – Decreasing

Conservation Status – Near Threatened

Natural Habitat – Grassland, scrub, chaparral, oak woodlands

Diet – Insects, worms, grasshoppers, moths, true bugs, ground beetles, ladybird beetles, click beetles, flies, ants, earthworms, spiders

Predators – Small mammals, bullfrogs, garter snakes, raccoons