Arroyo Toad

Arroyo Toad

The Arroyo toad is a species of endangered toads that have also been classified as ‘true toads’, and are found in a small area in North America.

Scientific Name Anaxyruscalifornicus

Classification – Anaxyrus

Gender Names – Male – male; Female – female; Baby – tadpole

Collective Noun – Knot

Length/Size – 5 to 7.5 cm (2.0 to 3.0 in)

Life Expectancy – Usually around 4 years

Special Features  Usually grayish to gray-olive in color, while the skin is rough and speckled

Geographical Distribution – Southern California from Santa Barbara County south into NW Baja California

Natural Habitat – Prefers sandy washes with swift currents

World Population – The breeding population is less than 3,000 individuals

Conservation Status –Endangered

Diet – Usually caterpillars, moths, crickets, snails

Predators – Larger frogs/toads like American Bullfrogs and also garter snakes