White-Eared Kob

White-Eared Kob

The White-Eared Kob is a subspecies of the Kobs living in Africa. They look very similar to the impalas.

Scientific Name Kobuskob

Classification – Kobus

Gender Names – Male – buck; Female – doe; Baby – calf

Collective Noun – Herd

Length/Size – 90–100 cm (3.0–3.3 ft)

Weight – 94 kg (207 lb) (average)

Life Expectancy – Up to 17 years; Average 21.9 in captivity

Gestation Period – 8 months

Special Features  Have white ears with an orange to tan coat

Social Structure – Live in herds of either females and calves or just males ranging between 5 and 40 individuals

Geographical Distribution – Most of the population is found in South Sudan

Natural Habitat – In the wet areas along the savanna grasslands and in grassy floodplains

Diet – Mostly different types of grasses

Predators – Lions, cheetahs, African wild dogs