

The Wallaby is nothing but an informal, generic designation to a small- or mid-sized macropod that are smaller than a kangaroo. These marsupials are found in Australia and New Guinea. There are around 30 different species of wallabies like brush wallaby, rock wallaby, scrub wallaby,dwarf wallaby, and so on, that are further divided into subspecies.

Scientific Name Macropodidae

Classification – Diprotodontia

Gender Names – Male – jack; Female – jill; Baby – joey

Collective Noun – Mob

Length/Size – Widely varies between species and subspecies

Weight – Widely varies between species and subspecies

Top Speed – 48km/h (30mph)

Life Expectancy – Average in the wild is 9 years

Mating Season  Varies, but generally between January and February

Gestation Period – Differs between species

Geographical Distribution – Australia and on nearby islands like New Guinea

Natural Habitat – In different remoteforests, shrub lands, and heavily-timbered to rugged areas

Diet – Grasses, Fruits, Seeds, Leaves

Predators – Dingo, fox, reptiles larger by size