Boreal Toad

Boreal Toad

A subspecies of the Western Toad, the Boreal Toad is found in several regions of the United States and is an endangered species in New Mexico and Colorado.

Scientific Name Anaxyrusboreasboreas

Classification – Anaxyrusboreas

Gender Names – Male – male; Female – female; Baby – tadpole

Collective Noun – Knot

Length/Size – 2.4–3.9 inches

Weight– 1.2-2.8 ounces

Life Expectancy – Unknown; females reported to have been living for 10-11 years

Mating Season  From May to late July

Special Features  The skin has bright orange and black spots on a white to beige base

Geographical Distribution – In the US in Washington, British Columbia, Alaska, Wyoming, Colorado, Idaho, Utah and northern New Mexico

Natural Habitat – In pools and other marshy regions

Diet – Insects and invertebrates like grasshoppers, beetles, flies, mosquitos, etc.