Red Fox

Red Fox

The red fox, including 45 subspecies, is distributed widely across the northern hemisphere, and is the largest of the ‘true foxes’. Since to its introduction in Australia, it has been included among the list of the “world’s 100 worst invasive species”.

Scientific Name – Vulpes vulpes

Classification – Vulpes

Gender Names – Male – reynard, dog, dog fox, or tod; Female – vixen; Baby – kit, cub, pup

Collective Noun – Skulk, leash

Length/Size – 40cm – 83cm (16in – 33in)

Weight – 5kg – 11kg (11lbs – 24lbs)

Top Speed – 48km/h (29mph)

Life Expectancy – 3 – 11 years (varies between subspecies)

Mating Season  Varies between regions and subspecies

Gestation Period – 49 – 58 days

Special Features  Pointed ears and long bushy tail

Social Structure – Varies between subspecies

Geographical Distribution – Entire northern hemisphere

Natural Habitat – Forests, grasslands, mountains, and deserts

Conservation Status – Least Concern

Diet – Omnivore with a variety of foods (varying between subspecies) including fruits, berries and grasses, birds, small mammals like squirrels, rabbits and mice, invertebrates like crickets, caterpillars, grasshoppers, beetles and crayfish

Predators – Eagles, coyotes, gray wolves, bears, mountain lions, humans