Pacific Tree Frog

Pacific Tree Frog

Scientific Name – Pseudacris regilla

Classification – Hylidae

Baby Name – Tadpole, polliwog, froglet

Collective Noun – Army, colony

Average Length – Up to 2 in (snout to urostyle)

Average Weight – 0.35 g

Life Expectancy – 9 years in captivity

Breeding Season – Early winter to early spring (mating season)

Incubation Period – 1 to 3 weeks

Special Features – Skin consists of small bumps; have long slender legs; toes are long and a bit webbed consisting of a round, sticky toe pad on the end

Family Unit – Solitary creatures barring the mating season

Geographical Distribution – West coast of the United States, Canada, southern Alaska

World Population – Abundant; considered to be stable

Conservation Status – Least Concern

Natural Habitat – Riparian habitat, woodlands, chaparral, grassland, pasture land

Diet – Spiders, beetles, ants, flies, other insects and arthropods

Predators – Snakes, raccoons, egrets, herons, other small mammals, reptiles