Green and Golden Bell Frog

Green and Golden Bell Frog

Scientific Name – Litoria aurea

Classification – Hylidae

Baby Name – Tadpole, polliwog

Collective Noun – Army, colony

Average Length – Up to 11 cm (4.5 in)

Life Expectancy – Not known

Breeding Season – October to March

Incubation Period – 2 days

Metamorphosis Period – Around 2 months

Special Features – Large stout body; bright green upper surface with brown or golden blotches; exhibit a creamy-white stripe extending along the sides from the eyes to the back legs; cream or white belly; inside of the thighs are turquoise-blue

Family Unit – Not known

Geographical Distribution – Australia

World Population – Decreasing

Conservation Status – Vulnerable

Natural Habitat – Coastal swamps, wetlands, marshes, dams, small rivers, ditches, woodlands, forests

Diet – Insects such as crickets, larvae, dragonflies, cockroaches, earthworms, flies, grasshoppers, mosquito wrigglers, also feed on crayfish, slugs, and other frogs including its own species

Predators – Birds, snakes, skinks, red foxes, tortoises, eels, fish