California Slender Salamander

California Slender Salamander

Scientific Name – Batrachoseps attenuatus

Classification – Plethodontidae

Baby Name – Efts

Collective Noun – Congress, band or maelstrom

Average Length – 3.2 – 4.7 cm (snout to vent length); 7.5 – 14 cm (total length)

 Speed – Travel fast

Life Expectancy – 8 – 10 years

Breeding Season – Fall to early winter

Incubation Period – 72 – 86 days in captivity

Special Features – Lungless and respire through its skin; presence of eighteen to twenty-one costal grooves

Family Unit – Solitary barring courtship dance and mating

Geographical Distribution – California in the United States

World Population – Unknown, but estimated to be more than 1,00,000; population appears to be stable

Conservation Status – Least Concern

Natural Habitat – Foothills, coastal mountain ranges, grasslands, redwood forest

Diet – Springtails, small beetles, mites, snails, spiders, isopods

Predators – A variety of snakes